In this edition of Postcards from the Field, we are shifting from wild and wacky to feature a new product I saw on a recent inspection. Thought this was pretty cool. Notice the drain trap is clear and allows you to see what’s in the drain. Hopefully, it’s not your wedding ring. Kidding aside, the clear drain is kind of like the soft close toilet seat. Why did it take so long for someone to come up with this idea? You can see build ups before they become back ups. I think it’s a great idea and something you will see more of in the future. The upside is being able to see what’s in your drain. The downside is, well, being able to see what’s in your drain. I think in this case it’s better to know than not. Thanks for stopping by. See you in 2 weeks for another installment of Postcards from the Field!
100% Visibility Pipes – A Plumbers Dream?