Depending on what part of the country you live in, houses may be built with basements, crawlspaces, on a slab or a combination thereof. Here in the Midwest, we have all three. In this edition of Postcards from the Field we are going to focus on crawlspaces. I have seen quite a few ranging from downright nasty to very clean. Clean and dry is how you would like them to be. It’s important for inspectors to get down there because there is a lot to see. Floor framing and foundation walls are part of the structure so we would like to get a look at those. Also checking for seepage, plumbing leaks, disconnected ductwork and a variety of other potential issues. Remember that through natural stack effect, the air from your crawlspace will eventually wind up in your house. It shouldn’t be an “out of sight out of mind” kind of thing as the condition in the crawl will affect indoor air quality, moisture levels and even the structural components. All important stuff. Never a dull moment. Thanks for stopping by. See you next month for another installment of Postcards from the Field! www.housedoctorsinc.com