In a recent Postcard from the Field, we talked about dryer vent maintenance. This time the topic is furnace filters and airflow. Hopefully, your filters and return covers don’t look like these. Furnaces with dirty filters and poor airflow need to work extra hard to condition and circulate the air. They also provide poor indoor air quality when they are like this. Filters need to be changed year round as the blower and distribution system work for both heat and A/C. When you buy filters, it will tell you how often that particular filter should be changed. Usually, they are 30 days, 60 days or 90 days. There are differing opinions as to what type of filters are best. You can do some research or talk to your HVAC tech and see what they recommend. Regardless, you should have your furnace and A/C serviced yearly and change your filters at recommended intervals. Good maintenance will help you and your furnace to breathe easier. Thanks for stopping by. See you in 2 weeks for another installment of Postcards from the Field!