When it gets cold out, animals look for warmth and shelter just like us. Ran into this guy and some of his friends in an attic on a recent inspection. They were coming in through the gable vent which had a torn screen. While they may seem fairly harmless, you probably don’t want them up there. Once they find their way in, they are difficult (and sometimes expensive) to get rid of. Squirrels, birds, raccoons and skunks can cause damage that could turn out to be costly. Chewing on electric wires and using your attic as a big toilet are just a couple of ways they can cause problems. Make sure your vents are sealed properly (without reducing adequate airflow) and check your soffit/fascia for rotted or missing sections. Also, take a look in your attic periodically to check for potential entry points or nesting material that may indicate unwanted guests. Stay warm and safe out there. Thanks for stopping by. See you in two weeks for another installment of Postcards from the Field!